Sunday, 20 December 2009
The King Part 3/3
Presley first movie was "The Reno Brothers". Exclusively for this motion picture he recorder song "Love Me Tender". During the promotion of movie he performed it on very popular Ed Sullivan TV show. What's funny - cameramen were ordered to film Elvis from belt to heads in order not to scandalize audience with his pelvis dance. During that night show was watched by 54 million of Americans. Massive number of record orders pushed film company to change movie name to Love Me Tender. After noticing Presley potential and Love Me Tender success we got 7 year contract. He starred in typical romance movies that were full of colors, beautiful girls and such weak songs that even Elvis recorded them with disgust. Still he loved cinematography since youth when his favourite movie was City Across The River (1949) with Tony Curtis.
What's interesting Elvis first casting wasn't that successfull. Actually he was aware of not having an acting talent but Colones wanted very badly him to be a film star too. One reason is obvious - starring in movies was much less exhausting than performing live at concerts. But there is another theory - Tom "Colonel" Parker real name was Andreas Cornelies van Kuijk - illegal immigrant from Holland earning earlier by dabbling in many various things (hot dog seller or dogcatcher). That's would explain why Elvis never had a concert outside USA (in Europe or in Japan) although they had some attractive offers. Parket also didn't visit Presley during his army duty in Germiany.
Elvis hated TV because he was afraid of it and almost every time made out bad. That's why he preferred motion pictures - director was always there to help him, weak scenes could be replayed etc. Many times he was saying "I'd like to be a better actor". Spending hours on watching Marlon Brando and James Dean acting he was hoping to develop himself. Dean's sudden death created unfulfilled niche that Presley could utilize. Unfortunatelly he never dit it and Elvis never had a doubt about it - "I would have never compare myself with James Dean because he was a true genius... I thing I'am a weak actor but maybe with time I will learn something". Michael Curtiz ("Casablanca") who worked with him said he was very polite and hardworking having incredible memory for roles. Still Elvis wasn't best actor in the world.
In the end of 1956 Elvis was declared "King of Rock and Roll". Elvismania was at it's top and was going to be there for next decades about which proof hits like "Suspicious Minds", "In the ghetto", never published "We can make the morning" attached to this post. Hope you enjoyed this short presentation and learn something about Presley legend rising. Do you know any Presley songs? If you do - please list them in your comments.
The King Part 2/3
Girls were going mad, boys wanted to look like him - their parents apparently couldn't stand his way of entertaining. They have forgiven him his black male
voice but that "animal expression" and "sexual tension" were too dramatic for traditional older generation to accept. What was interesting - Elvis was a very
shy person in private. Once he walked the stage he was changing to completely different person - the one that his young fans always dreamed of. Fame and
success were increasing day by day - his father once asked him - "What's going on, El? Yesterday I was working at can factory, and you were a truck driver".
Next great breakthrough in Elvis career was meeting Thomas Andrew Parker called Colonel. Some say he was the manager of century but in fact he was rather sharpie harnessing Presley tremendous talent. He decided that best thing for his young star was hitting the nationvide market which effected in contract with
RCA Victor, which was the bigest american label. Sam Philips sold in this transaction right to Elvis for $ 35 000. Although it was a giddy amount of money back then, Elvis potential should be counted in millions, therefore Philips decision is inexplicable. Obviously it was his worst business deal of life.
Parker had another idea for Elvis image. He urged him to become a great star and righteus citizen. First thing that was about to change was young singer
scandalous rebel performing. His idea was also trying Elvis luck in film industry. First occasion to realize new strategy occured when Presley received his
call to Army. Elvis was terrified because two years out in army meant a certain stage death. Parker on the other hand was convinced it is a right choice and
answering country's call of duty was going only to help him in further career. Colonel took necessary steps to promote Presley accession. For example ceremony of cutting his hair was assisted by a big group of journalists and photographers. Elvis was not only famous but also an examplary soldier. When his unit was sent to Germany it turned out he was famous also there. Everyday between 19:30 and 20:30 he signed authographs for german fans. On 1958 Christmas he recevied 370 000 postcards! What's more - people couldn't wait for his return to showbusiness.
After serving two years in army he came back to USA on March 3, 1960. Asked what are his next plans he answered that he was going to sing futher, play in movies and perform with Frank Sinatra himself. Sinatra offered $ 150 000 for two songs sang by Presley in his TV show. Parker's plan worked out pefectly - once for all he finished with rebel young Presley - giving in return a righteous citizen willing to help in many social actions.
Before Army episode he managed to record a massive hit - Love Me Tender. Curiosity - originally movie accompanied to this song was titled The Reno Brothers but after a song success 20th Century Fox decided to change it after the song title. On 1957 another legendary song was recorded - Jailhouse Rock. And others like King Creole or Don't | I beg you.
Have you known that Elvis was in army? And before that he already was a superstar? Now that's was interesting!
Eating habits 3/3
Today I will talk about the most disgusting dishes in the world. I' d like to show you some of them which I regard as the most interesting.
Baby mice wine
Baby mice wine is a traditional Chinese and Korean “health tonic” .Supposedly it tastes like raw gasoline but I have never tasted. Little mice with eyes still closed, are dropped into a bottle of rice wine. What is important they are still alive. Dead mice don't give that special flavour. Some time ago when I had opportunity to drink original tequila with small worm I thought that it was disgusting but now when I look at it I really think that tequila must be really delicious.
Cooked dog
Dog meat is eaten in some countries for an example in China. Proper breeds of dogs are raised on farms and killed like a chickens for their meat. Apart from unique taste it is believed that dog's meat brings specific medicinal benefits. Cultural attitudes, legalities, and history regarding eating dog meat varies from country to country. There is little statistical information about consumption of dog meat due to general taboo in western countries.
Hákarl is just fermented shark. This specific dish came from Iceland. It is shark which is cured with a particular fermentation process and keep to dry about 4-5 months. Hákarl has a very particular aroma-rich smell and taste, similar to very strong cheese like Gorgonzola. Hákarl is possibile to eat it in pubs or even to buy in Icelandic stores all year round. Fermented shark is eaten in all seasons. Although it is a traditional Island meal many of the inhabitants have never ate it.
Eating this Chinese meal is just a insanity. Monkey transmits
I found a description: "The monkey’s head was supported by its neck in a bracket, two pieces of wood with a semicircular hole on each side such that when you put them together, they form a complete circle around the animal’s neck, allowing the head to be exposed above the plank. The hair around the head is smooth-shaved with a shaving razor. A small chisel and a hammer is used to quickly chisel a circle around the crown, and the top part of the skull is removed. A teaspoon is used to scoop up the brain, which is immediately eaten. This has to be done before the monkey dies".
Isn't it horrible?
“Three Squeaks”
This is the next traditional Chinese dish which contained something alive. The main ingredient of this dish are newly born mice. They are still hairless and barely able to open their eyes. It is generally served like nachos with some kind of cold sauces. The reason why it is called “Three Squeaks” is disgusting. The name is due to the sounds made when this dish is preparing and eating. The first squeak is when the mouse is picked up with the chopsticks. The second is when the mouse is dipped into the sauce (temperature changes causing the squeak). The last one is when the mouse is put into the mouth and the temperature changes again.
Balut - Boiled egg
In Cambodia people love to eat duck-egg called balut. In fact it is not just an egg. The way of preparing balut is to let the embryo inside the egg to develop until the bird inside is nearly ready to go out. When the embryo inside is ready, the egg is boiled and served with a bit of salt on top. It is really cruel method of preparing the most famous breakfast meal.
In the world there are thousands of disgusting dishes. I described only a few of them but I hope that you heard or even eat something interesting an you will share with us your experiences.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
In XVII'th century Louis XIV reigned in France. It is said that he was the most greedy king in the whole history of Europe. In fact this king simply loved to eat! He was begining his day by drinking only a cup of tea or a broth. It was really simple breakfast. While he was eating, his servants were waiting expectantly as the King gave the orders for a lunch. It was a routine morning ceremony. Lunch was called le Petit Couvert, what means "the Little Service". In fact it was just a name because this meal was like a daily festivity. During lunch the King was eating four different soups, a stuffed pheasant, a partridge, a chicken or a duck, a ham, a mutton, eggs and a plate full of pastries, fruits, and jams. It was simply a usual menu and the king devoured it all. While he was eating the royal doctor was always present to take care of his health.
The lunch was a huge ceremony which usually lasted several hours. Louis employed 498 people for tasting each dinner. All of them had a special name appropriate to their profession. Before the King ate something a proper person had tasted the food to check the taste. During the ceremony of eating the whole refectory was full of guests which were invited specially due to the lunch. Louis XIV didn't like to be distracted while he was eating, so he forbade all dinner conversations. The audience staied in absolute silence for many hours. After the King's death, doctors discovered that his stomach and intestines were twice the normal size.
Ancient Romans loved entertainments, feasts and mostly magnificent banquets. Rich Romans were spending fortunes on making feasts. They also were eating for many hours or even days. When they felt full and they couldn't eat anything more they just vomited to the special prepared bowl. Owing to it they could continue eating.
Marcus Antonius loved boar's meat so much that his cook was roasting several pieces at the same time. Meat was in many different stages of preperation. The cook had to be ready all day in case of unexpected appetite of the master.
In XVII-XVIII century in England, habits and traditions of eating were similar to practices in France. The occupants of courts or rich country seats were spending their usual day on eating and, in fact, doing nothing. They ate very traditional meals such as cakes with whole pheasant inside, greasy hogs with apples and something absolutely special–cheese with swollen larvaes, called Casu marzu. It was a traditional delicacy which was served not only in inns during the long journey but also on courts. Worms preserved the cheese from a spoiling (this specific is still popular in Sardinia - I will talk a little bit more about this unusual cheese in my next presentation).
The most important English tradition is of course five o'clock tea. Tea appeared in England in 1658. The wife of king Charles II was organizing the meetings for women and served pastries and a tea. This custom became a national tradition not only for ladies.
Do you know any interesting eating traditions?
The King Part 1/3
At this point I must admit that I'm quite a novice fan of his talent because I discovered his music this year. Earlier he was just an icon that
I used to associate with characteristic hairstyle and sunglasses and wicked costumes. Back then I didn't understand why he was such popular.
Here and in 2 next posts I will bring you closer to really interesting parts of his life starting off with his career beginnings.
Actually there we have two Elvises in popculture - one whose image was born in mid-50's that is a handsome sex-bomb rebel and the second - chubbier with every year man
in colorful suites studded with jewelery and golden sunglasses.
she'll loose second one so he was raised by an overprotective mother what surely had some influence on his personality. He wasn't allowed to swim, play sports or ride a bike -
such activities were way to dangerous in her opinion. Picture a mummy's boy spending all the time in house listening to radio - it's the King in the age of 10.
On 11th birthday in 1946 instead of bike Elvis was longing for his parents bought him a guitar. Lucky for us. On 1948 Presley family moved to Memphis. That's where he
explored black blues and developed his very own music style mixed of country, gospel and others. Showbusiness got first in it's history white Black. Unlike his peers he
prefered to wear clothes in vibrant colors or having Ducktail haircut. Briefly until July 14, 1954 Elvis was dabbling in some easy jobs (e.g. truck driver) and trying to record his singles.
Cover of "That's All Right" originally by Arthur Cradup seemed to do the trick. Thanks to Sam Philips, it was aired in local radiostation and audience simply loved it. They called radio asking to play an Elvis song again. At the same time Elvis was in cinema watching a movie. His parents picked him up and took to the studio for a talk. He didn't know it was live.
Till november 1955 Elvis has been recording for Sun Records belonged to Sam Philips. Other famous musicians like Roy Orbison or Johnny Cash were working there at that time. Back then hits like
Mystery Train, I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone", "Oakie Boogie" hit the market. On 1955 critics jocularly called Presley, Elvis the Pelvis over his characteristic vital (and erotic) dance at stage. Shocing older generation, he was idolised by teenagers. That's why FBI notes from 50's state that Elvis was potentially dangerous for United States.
Do you like Elvis Presley music? In next posts I'll embed his greatest songs that you probably like but never even realized they were his records.
Ireland by my eyes - Belfast (North Ireland)
One of trips organized by International Society to Belfast was the biggest one. There was a full coach, so about 40 people.
As you well know, Belfast is in Northern Irnaldii, it is a separate country, subject to the United Kingdom. On the roads distances are in miles and you pay in pounds:)
I don't know how it's now, but in 2005 year, it was very specific city, because it was few years after civil war beetwen between Catholics and Protestants. There are remnants of the old wall, almost like in Berlin:) which divided the city into two parts. This can be seen by going to the traditional black taxi trip around the Belfast. On the buildings are painted portraits of Protestant liders and their other signs commemorating various events and fights.
Buildings on Protestants wall side
Is it normal that you see on the street, an armored police car like this:
There was one strange story, once we went out at the evening, walking through the city, we went dance to the a club. With us was a guy, all the time he was sitting in the corner, hi didn't say even any word, didn't dance, didn't drink a beer. After that, when we went out, somebody ask him why hi was so quiet, and hi answered that hi is from Southern Ireland, so if someone heard his accent, then he would be beaten. It was wery strange for me.
But in general Belfast is very beautiful City, amazing architecture, vibrant city.
Belfast center
While in Belfast, we had a further trip to the amazing place. Did you hear about Giant's Causeway? This is one of the wonders of nature. It is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. The tops of the columns form stepping stones that lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea. Most of the columns are hexagonal, although there are also some with four, five, seven and eight sides. The tallest are about 12 metres high, and the solidified lava in the cliffs is 28 metres thick in places.
I have much more pictures, many beautiful, but unfortunately there is no enough place for them :(
Ireland by my eyes - Dublin & Maynooth (East Ireland)
The University where I was studying is placed in Maynooth, it's mostly student small village near Dublin(capital of Ireland), about 20 kilometers, 40 minutes by train or bus. Buses are of course two-storey :) Almost whole life there is beacuse of student, there are 3 hipermarkets, Tesco, Aldi and DunniesDunnes Stores, so there is many possibilities to cheap shopping.
Map of Maynooth
Buses in Dublin
In Ireland it is typical, that there are many pubs and lounges. Some of them are realy huge, like many rooms, many floors, several bars. The biggest Pub in Maynooth is The Roost, it is also the most popular, every day, every night it was full, even there were queues in front of it.
Roost inside
In Dublin is quite the same, in the city center down the streets there are many pubs, all day they are full of people, it is even hard to get in to the pub, because for example the most popular and the most known Pub in Dublin, Temple Bar, is quite Small, I mean thin corridors, you must to squeeze through the people if you want to buy a pint of beer.
Dublin at night
Ok as I came to Beer, it is the most popular alcoholic beverage, every one drink beer, ale the day :) And of course Ireland has its own traditional beer Guinness. The oldest factory producing this beer up to now is placed near the center. In old part of the factory, now is Guinness museum, where you can learn how beer was made, you can lear how to pure guinness beer and get the certificate that you can do it, as pouring the beer must be in a special way, because Guinness is a Draught beer, it is special dark and thick type of beer, pouring is complicated, you need to do a special order resulting foam had an adequate thickness and must be convex and protruding from the pint. The taste is also completely different than beer we know. It took me about one month to get used to it and after come back to Poland I miss that.
There buildings there are beautiful, many old building in very good condition, many parks, many palaces, castels and properties. It is realy amazing, of dazzling beauty like that building of Maynooth University, it is like from Harry Potter Movie, exactly, it is breathtaking, there are beautiful gardens nurtured every day.
Park in the center of Dublin
Form Dublin it is few minuts to get to Sea, it is quite different coast than we have in Poland.
Practically there is no beach, the rocks are in most cases.
Do you remember tv advert of Dog in The Fog beer? in fact it is a english beer, but it is not the point, I mean about the weather. Yes, there may be a little exaggerated, but in reality it is almost the same, realy strong winds, at least for half a week's rain.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Nowadays a "food" has became very popular and trendy. Television is full of programs about cooking in which stars and celebrities are showing how they love it. Everybody is also aware to food influence on our health and mood. We're trying to care about our health and change bad eating habits. But in fact, even if it is obvious we can meet some public activity absolutely opposite to it. It is surprising mainly due to the fact that it concerns highly developed, west country. England is the hero of my today's topic. The fact that Englishmen love eating is so evident and known that it 's starting to be their national feature. Often England is perceived as a country of extremely fat people. A British eating habits are very specific. Their cuisine is full of overcooked vegetables, greasy meats and sausages, snacks and sandwiches. In Britain there are a lot of bars and pubs which serve meals at very good prices. Unfortunately low price usually means low quality. Supermarkets offer wide assortment of ready-made meals which just must be put to microwave oven. The amount of this kind of meals on the market shelf is just incredible. Even though their eating habits are not proper they have great chefs and plenty of cooking programs. But meals which are served in English primary schools seem to be a horror. It is incredible that in advanced society nobody cares what children eat. The usual dinner contains everything what they shouldn't eat: hamburgers, chips, sweet drinks and as a dessert high-sugar sweets or crisps. No vegetables, no fruit — only one colour on the plate. I know that it sounds as exaggeration or nonsense but in fact it is true.
One of the famous British chefs, Jamie Oliver has started the campaign to raise the quality of food in British schools and transform the way the pupils eat. In 2004, he was shocked by the food that 8 millions British school children were being fed every day of the school year, Jamie took over the kitchens at the school in Greenwich.
He has transformed the recipes, has teached the cooks and organised the educational meeting with parents and children. At school he used shocking therapy on pupils and showed them how unhealthy a food looks after digestion. Before that all of them had been preparing their own meals which contained fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. It was a good idea because of the fun and enjoyment of doing it.
Firstly children didn't want to change their old food but after some time they tried pasta, baked chicken, salad, boiled carrots and other colourful meals and stopped grumble. In interview one of the children confessed that it was the first time he tasted a lettuce. Isn't it strange?
Cooperation with children was a huge success however there were also a lot of problems. At some school children had to be taught how to use a knife and fork and in another pupils preferred to go to the local shop at lunchtime. Surprisingly parents were against Jamie's idea. Many of them preffered to make some packed lunch for their children. Guess what was inside?! It really sounds like a joke but they truly put there crisps, sweets, sandwiches made of white, artificial bread and many different products which are generally inadvisable for children. Others said that if their children didn't want to eat it was better to give them anything than nothing. There was also another serious obstacle — the government. After recognition of the problem and calculation of expenses they considered the Jamie Oliver's school dinner revolution as too expensive. So Jamie transformed his recipes and menues again, changed some of the ingredients but it still occured to be unacceptable. It was impossible to prepare better food at the same price. After a long and tough fight finally he managed to persuade the government to give some extra money. Government announced that it would pour an extra million pounds into school lunches over the next three years. The success of Oliver's campaign has transformed him from a celebrity to a popular hero.
Have you got any experience connected with English food ?
Did you see similar situations in other countries?
Ireland by my eyes
4 years ago I have managed to leave on a scholarship student exchange (Socrates / Erasmus). It was Ireland. I was very excited, but I knew it would be my biggest adventure. And it was:)
Ok it was just a little intro, and I would like to divide my presentation into several parts.
1. Studying abroad
2. Dublin & Maynooth (East Ireland)
3. Belfast (North Ireland)
4. Galway (West Ireland)
In the first part I'll tell you how the life looks there, a little bit of study and generally about Ireland. In other parts I'll focus on why it is worthwhile to go there and I'll show what I have seen and photographed personally. So here is no images from the Internet, but either my or my friends:)
Ireland by my eyes - Studying abroad
As you know, on the green island people drive on the left, but compared to this, the rest of the differences is equally large. People has completely different mentality, everyone is friendly and smiles walking the street. People do not live in a rush. Everyone can help. You don't have to afraid go out on evening or night on the street.
Always green and beautiful Ireland, even in December
Standard of studying it is quite different in the curriculum and the organisation. Educational standards are shockingly low compared to ours. In the fact that they begin to study 2 years earlier. Me and 2 other friends from PJWSTK, we didn't spent a lot of time for learning, despite the fact we were best in group, we brought back almost only "5" marks :)
Quality of life of students is on the contrary, much higher than us. There was a huge campus, residential villas / small block buildings divided into apartments for 5 people. Everyone has its own room, 2 common bathrooms per apartment and common room with kitchen. In newer buildings, each room has its own bathroom, just like in hotel:)
Student's villages
Maynooth University, The oldest University in Ireland
New part of the Campus
International Society is very active, was organized various events, trips that I'll present in the subsequent parts of my presentation, parties, sport activities and entertainments.
In that moment, there were about 250 international students, so it is quite large amount. There was many abilities to integrate with each other.
Student parties
I could say, that I could live there, there is different and better life. But I were there only for one semester, I missed my family and friend. I said to myself, that I have to back there in the future, maybe for the rest of my life :)
Any questions?
Saturday, 12 December 2009
That's why marketers had to figure out something to deceive our ad alertness—they started to use uncommon forms of advertisement what is called ambient marketing. But not the big agencies invented it–they provoked it to happen. Owners of small and middle business companies want to stay competitive but don't have money for common advertisement that would distinguish them. Instead of it they have much more–creativity and courage! Using both they have created "Guerilla marketing". Main base of it was an idea.
It's an essence of Guerilla marketing but it gained huge attention not till then it was practised in big cities. That's because of easy access to mass-media and highly developed communication which gave it an extra kick. The good and effective idea spreads in twinkling of an eye over the country. And that is what "big advertisement" likes. So when huge money has come up, the scale and effectiveness of such ads have rapidly increased but, luckily, they have kept their creativity. One more thing has drastically changed—exposure of logos and trademarks. That's finally how "Ambient marketing" has come into existence.
To clarify: Guerilla marketing pretends that it's not an advertisement, it teases then at the end it occurs to be an ad.
Ambient marketing is recognised as an ad from beginning but it should be done in a curious, unusual way. Both are based on viral or buzz marketing (by MMS'es, e-mail, youTube or just by words of mouth)–the wider it spreads out the better.
In our country it isn't yet a custom to advertise in such way but we have something to show of.
The loudest action was promotion of Jelfa's cure for hangover. It was very organised campaign. At first agency registered character of prof. Mikolaj Onowalov on Wikipedia. They also publicised movies from his research of the "magic pill" called "Spectab" which was tested on soviet soldiers.
After that they set monument of great scientist on Warsaw's Plac Bankowy (actually it was staying on the truck which was apparently broken). It was enough to cause a storm in the media. Organisers has only just revealed what was going on after few days when interest was at the peak.
Below I attach images from some interesting actions over the world.
Ravensburger Puzzle ambient advertisement.
How do you like such form of marketinging in the urban space?
Would it encourage you to buy the product?
Have you recently seen any form of that kind of advertisement?
Thursday, 10 December 2009
[image] Next project was also connected with the sound. It was a carpet expanded on the footbridge that contained one of inventions of Greyworld called "the layer". It is a surface with number of sensors that process tension to sound so when people crossed over the footbridge (which was placed in space that you definitely wouldn't delight the views) every step created different sound imitating walking in the snow, water or leaves. What a wonderful experience during your walk to school or work! I bet you would be late:)
Next project which is kind of parody of bronze monument of national heroes (even has inscription written in Latin that says "anything written in Latin sounds wise" :). It looks like bronze but actually is made of synthetic material and has ability of... movement! It can imitate your pose when you stand in front of it !
Next artist whose works I want to enclose is already mentioned Banksy . He is real guerilla. Even his own agent claims that he has never met him personally. Even though nobody knows how he looks his albums and works sells very well (probably that mystery even intensifies it). He is specialized in quick and unnoticeable actions which most often are provide mural paintings created with a stencil which after few days are known all over the world. Most of you probably have seen a lot of his works so I will mention only the most groundbreaking ones in very short words.
He prepared a stone, imitating prehistoric painting, with a man pushing shopping trolley and planted it in British Museum. The service noticed it after few days and kept showing it on exhibition.
He painted a mural on Bristol Sexual Health Clinic. It contains naked man hanging down the window. When authorities wanted to remove it the publicity opposed. It has stayed:)
He painted set of nine murals on the Wall in Palestine. Here is the relation from it:
Images and more of him works you can find on his website and on;
I admire him for courage and unusual perceptiveness (look at his works where he adopts to his paintings any kinds of holes and dirts on the walls). But many consider him to be vandal, what do you think about it?
Last unconventional urban action I want to touch in this part of presentation is slightly different. It involves a lot of people gathered in one place who, on some particular signal start to behave in a way they specified before - it's a flash mob. It is amazing how dozens or even hundreds of people are able to synchronize themselves an make it work!
Here are the most outstanding examples I've found:
What do you think about it? Did you participate to any or were you a witness of it?
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
The most known couple was Christo and his wife Jean-Claude (who died on 18 November this year, she was 74 years old). They caught the public eye wrapping landmark buildings and bridges in colourful fabric across whole world. The more they were famous the bigger were their creations. The artists managed to wrap, with the aid of specialized workers, the coast of Little Bay in Sydney and surround eleven islands in Miami with pink fabric (they used over 600 000m2 of it!). They also created the 40 kilometers long and over 5 meters high "Running Fence" made from steel and fabric (Texas). Most of their creations was funded by them own. They take profit from selling rights for documenting those actions.
They even wanted to wrap Warsaw's PKiN years ago but they couldn't reach an agreement with our authorities. What a pity!
Their works aren't durable – they last much less time than it takes to prepare them. Maybe that's next factor that makes it so interesting – you want to see it before it will only remain on photos.
Even though their works are so impressive, people find them controversial. That's a result of very strong interference in natural environment in a huge scale.
But there is an American artist who has made it much stronger – Robert Smithson leased 10 acres of Great Salt Lake in Utah than used 6 000 tones of ground to make 500 meters long spiral dyke. Lease expired but spiral stayed .
This kind of art activities are called "Land Art".
Let's move to space which is much closer for us – urban space. I have already mentioned Christo realisations that took place in cities but there happens much more!
Artists are very watchful people, they like to make use of things that are to be destroyed or are forgotten. Such situation was utilized by a British artist Rachel Whiteread in a work called "House". She made a concrete cast of the interior of the Victorian house that was destined to demolition. This process was pretty complicated because workers had to make a steel cage inside of it and fill it with very heavy concrete, after it has dried up they removed external layer unrevealing negative form of building which were empty spaces of rooms, stairway etc.
Of course this original sculpture was to exist only for short period but a lot of people made efforts to make it permanent. They failed. As always this kind of actions are very controversial – one likes it other not. Despite of this fact she has got very prestigious Turner prize for it.
In Poland we have artistic group called "Twożywo" whose one of artworks you can admire on the building by Daszyński roundabout. They created (in cooperation with the Warsaw Rising Museum) the mural that makes us pay attention to the historical buildings that are to be destroyed.
Maybe you experienced some interesting artistic project or heard about it? Please post it here!