Sunday, 20 December 2009

The King Part 2/3

Recorded on 1954 in Sun Records studio debutant single raved everyone. Once people discovered Elvis they wanted him to perform live at concerts.
Girls were going mad, boys wanted to look like him - their parents apparently couldn't stand his way of entertaining. They have forgiven him his black male
voice but that "animal expression" and "sexual tension" were too dramatic for traditional older generation to accept. What was interesting - Elvis was a very
shy person in private. Once he walked the stage he was changing to completely different person - the one that his young fans always dreamed of. Fame and
success were increasing day by day - his father once asked him - "What's going on, El? Yesterday I was working at can factory, and you were a truck driver".

Next great breakthrough in Elvis career was meeting Thomas Andrew Parker called Colonel. Some say he was the manager of century but in fact he was rather sharpie harnessing Presley tremendous talent. He decided that best thing for his young star was hitting the nationvide market which effected in contract with
RCA Victor, which was the bigest american label. Sam Philips sold in this transaction right to Elvis for $ 35 000. Although it was a giddy amount of money back then, Elvis potential should be counted in millions, therefore Philips decision is inexplicable. Obviously it was his worst business deal of life.

Parker had another idea for Elvis image. He urged him to become a great star and righteus citizen. First thing that was about to change was young singer
scandalous rebel performing. His idea was also trying Elvis luck in film industry. First occasion to realize new strategy occured when Presley received his
call to Army. Elvis was terrified because two years out in army meant a certain stage death. Parker on the other hand was convinced it is a right choice and
answering country's call of duty was going only to help him in further career. Colonel took necessary steps to promote Presley accession. For example ceremony of cutting his hair was assisted by a big group of journalists and photographers. Elvis was not only famous but also an examplary soldier. When his unit was sent to Germany it turned out he was famous also there. Everyday between 19:30 and 20:30 he signed authographs for german fans. On 1958 Christmas he recevied 370 000 postcards! What's more - people couldn't wait for his return to showbusiness.

After serving two years in army he came back to USA on March 3, 1960. Asked what are his next plans he answered that he was going to sing futher, play in movies and perform with Frank Sinatra himself. Sinatra offered $ 150 000 for two songs sang by Presley in his TV show. Parker's plan worked out pefectly - once for all he finished with rebel young Presley - giving in return a righteous citizen willing to help in many social actions.

Before Army episode he managed to record a massive hit - Love Me Tender. Curiosity - originally movie accompanied to this song was titled The Reno Brothers but after a song success 20th Century Fox decided to change it after the song title. On 1957 another legendary song was recorded - Jailhouse Rock. And others like King Creole or Don't | I beg you.

Have you known that Elvis was in army? And before that he already was a superstar? Now that's was interesting!


  1. Interesting about amphetamine - never heard of that fact. Or perhaps morhpine which should be available at army unit ambulance.

  2. It is interesting that all the great stars of music, take drugs?

  3. I found some interesting fact about Elvis. Elvis come to Kennedy Veterans Hospital in Memphis for an army preinduction physical. On January 8, 1957 Memphis Draft Board announced Elvis would be classified 1A (eligible for military service). At that time U.S. army was not involved in any conflicts. After the news of Elvis induction, the Navy ant Air Force offered bind for him. The Navy offered to form a special Elvis Presley Company and the Air Force immediatly called to offer spetial opportunities. But Elvis declined their offers, not wanting any special treatment.

  4. Im not really a fan of history so in this sense I dont have anything interesting to say but I suppose what is worth talking about is the impact Elvis had on all those people.

    In his times ther were probably many singers more or less successfull and if not then at least defnitely many wanted to become them.

    My question is if Elvis really was so talented or it was all just his image? I will probably be slapped by his fans by saying that but oh well.

    Not surprised he tried drugs really, apparently half of famous people lands using them for some reason. What would be surprising is if he didnt take them...

    Dont misunderstand me though, Im definitely against using drugs. Its just it seems so predictable.
